Night club , cafe , leisure place and many chain restaurants 南城百货夜总会咖啡厅休闲场所餐馆连锁店众多,交通便利。
Jiutouniao , which opened in 1997 , is a chain restaurant that now has five branches in beijing 九头鸟饭店于1997年开业,至今在京已有五家连锁店
In great chain restaurant companies like mcdonald ' s , you can get fast food at the counter ready “ to go ” , or “ to take out ” 许多大型的连锁餐馆比如麦当劳专营快餐,这种食品在柜台上能即食或打包。
Michael jacobson , the group ' s executive director , took aim at " table - service " chain restaurants like ruby tuesday ' s and uno chicago grill 此消费者权益组织的执行主任迈克尔雅各布森将类似ruby tuesday ' s和
The famous restaurant “ pizza hut ” appeared in the usa during the 1930s , and first introduced its chain restaurant in beijing in 1990 1930年著名的匹萨店“必胜客”出现在北美, 60年后它的连锁店也出现在了北京。
This could feel horribly tacky , the japanese equivalent to hitting the lounge at any chain restaurant attached to your local shopping mall 在临近购物广场的小型旅馆,几乎到处都是日本人,一般来说,会让人感觉有些不自在。
Most people think of pizza as italian , even though they probably got their first taste of the dish from an american 1 ) chain restaurant such as pizza hut or domino ' s 尽管大部分的人第一次吃比萨是在必胜客或达美乐这类的美式连锁店,他们还是认为比萨是意大利食品。
The partners are all from reputable international corporations , franchise brands and chain restaurants , bringing their invaluable knowledge , network , and investor relations to 所有管理层职员均来自著名的国际大酒店品牌加盟店及连锁餐饮店。他们将各自的宝贵知识财富销售网络及投资者关系网络带给
Many u . s . chain restaurants are promoting " extreme eating " with dishes that pack at least a day ' s calories and fat , without giving customers facts about their orders , a consumer group said this days 美国一消费者组织近期指出,美国很多连锁餐厅目前正在力推相当于至少一整天热量和脂肪的“极限饮食” ,而且不向顾客说明所点食品中所含的成分。
Many u . s . chain restaurants are promoting " extreme eating " with dishes that pack at least a day ' s calories and fat , without giving customers facts about their orders , a consumer group said on monday 美国一消费者组织于本周一指出,美国很多连锁餐厅目前正在力推相当于至少一整天热量和脂肪的“极限饮食” ,而且不向顾客说明所点食品中所含的成分。